Support the effort – Vehicle for UAV Tech. Squad

Home » Support the effort – Vehicle for UAV Tech. Squad

Trailmech team is calling for the support of the fellow riders, business partners and cycling community at large. Kostiantyn’s squad is already deployed and tasked with UAV technical assistance. Mobility of the team stands to be a critical support element of regiment’s operational readiness.

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The aim is to collect EUR 5,000 for an off-road capable vehicle. Civilian converted cars remain invaluable assets in use by AFU. Small and agile vehicles proved over time to be the most practical equipment to reach the deployment areas. Heavier trucks are not fit for this task because of FPV drones.

If you choose to support the effort, depending on where you are located, here is what you can do:

PayPal :

Мanaged by our friends from Repstance – Pavel and Tetiana

WISE: kostyantinb

WISE, support the effort - an off-road vehicle for UAV tech. assistance squad
WISE, support the effort – an off-road vehicle for UAV tech. assistance squad

We’d like to continue with designing and manufacturing hubs. There is no shortage of ideas for improvements and new products. We almost got our Road prototype on the tarmac this spring. But it is no longer possible to continue with our original mission. Russia’s full scare war is already into its 3rd year, and they won’t stop unless opposed with force.

We value and appreciate your support! Thank you all for help you have been providing with your continues business since 2022. It gives us hope and strength to move forward and fight our way into the peaceful future!